Week 8: Collecting the stationaries and books.

After understanding the flow of the whole project, we proceed to execute the assigned task.
As our main job is to refurbish the library, the books and stationary are necessary for the children to study and learn with the correct tools and book.

Thus, we decided to use the power of internet to spread the news that we are going to refurbish the library in Sekeping Serendah.
We uses platform like Instagram to voice out and hopefully we will get some positive responds.

The team who in charged of publicity also set up an facebook page so we can keep everyone updated of our progress and also by using the power of internet to spread this news and do good deeds.

Unfortunately,  after I posting in Facebook and Instagram, the respond is not as expected, so I decided to look into my house see if I got something useful when I back in JB (my hometown).

And after searching I may call my result ok but not fruitful.

Some colour paper for craft work.

 Colourful pens for the children to draw and they will like it!

Some used watercolor pastel which is still in good condition but I am not using it anymore.

And, I will keep asking around if my friends have something useful!


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